Monday, March 9, 2009


My studio is in the basement and I see these things sometimes. This time of year they're revolting little harbingers of Spring


  1. I think we had one of these a few months ago. It was a memorable event. Ugh.... Thanks for helping me relive it!

  2. When I was in grad school, I lived in a basement in Arlington that was a breeding ground for these critters. I got quite good at disposing of them every night. After intensive study, I have concluded that the best way to exterminate these guys is to sneak up behind them and then come in low to the ground. Apparently nature didn't equip them with too many eyes in the back of their head(s). They still creep me out, thanks Richard!

  3. I don't know why they creep me out, but they do. Spot on, as usual!

  4. Ugh! I'll be visiting DC in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the warning ... anything else creeping out there? (or maybe I shouldn't ask).

  5. I cut this out of the paper when it appeared and still use it as a reference. Fortunately, I have a camel-cricket-hunting cat who finds them tasty.

  6. Michael - plenty of politicians, "security" guards, comic book collectors... you'll just have to be on your guard.

  7. I hate bugs!
    My studio is in a basement too, from Spring through Fall, I have to run a dehumidifier, or my studio gets over-run with centipedes and spiders.

    We don't have those crickets and I'm glad we don't.
    I'm creeped out for the rest of the day....or week.

  8. In my part of the South we call them "cave crickets." The only creature that horrifies me more is Toby Keith.
