Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm confident that this is the only instance of a comic strip using Gutzon Borglum for a cheap laff.


  1. I like the details of the little flecks of sandwich coming out Dad's mouth as he talks, and Petey's random foot wiggle.

    Oh, and, most importantly, the gag is funny!!

  2. You know how google suggests searches for you as you type, based on what other people search for? Well, as soon as I typed "gutz" (I had to make sure you weren't lying) it came up with Gutzon Borglum, which proves that hundreds of thousands of people were fact-checking your comic today.

  3. After I read "ranjit" I googled Gitzon and the #5 review is so funny, cracked me up, the writer has nothing good to say about him.

    Thanks for the great start of Tuesday

  4. Nothing cheao about it ... it's great.

  5. Man, seeing the beautiful crosshatching on the blown up version made me go back and re-check the version on gocomics again.
    You almost forget how crummy and low-res the versions at gocomics are until you see a decent reproduction of the artwork.

  6. Those are some fine well-directed tangs there.

  7. I like how Alice's stomach is growling yet her dad is standing there eating a sandwich.

    Great gag and beautiful drawing, as always, sir.

  8. LOVE this comic, finally had to write when this one appeared, I knew IMMEDIATELY that you were referring to Gutzon Borglum... what does that say about me?? Thanks and keep up the great work.
