Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Booboo Revealed

This is either a booboo, a technical glitch or an editorial oversight, I drew a misdirected pointer, or "tang", on the final balloon, making it appear that it was being spoken by Mom, then drew a corrected one pointing to Alice. But I forgot to expunge the one to Mom. I'm sorry, ok?


  1. I didn't notice the error until you pointed it out.

  2. I was too busy enjoying the lovingly rendered pipes in the bathroom to notice.

  3. Blisshaven has ONE bathroom for girls and boys?

  4. Well, that's it. Due to this egregious error, the syndicate is going to can you and replacing you with that Mark Anderson fellow. Damn you, Anderson!

  5. Tang! Wonderful. I'm enchanted. The word's new to me in that sense.

  6. Your new nib must have gotten you overexcited.

  7. In space, noone can see your Tang.

  8. forgiven, I STILL put it up on my fridge..anything with monkey in it is allreet with me!

    in my childhood bathroom we had a tile that had marks on it resembling a panda bear...long stared at I assure you...

    ("tang" makes my throat close up...)

  9. Jeannie, maybe I shoulda just kept my mouth shut...

    Nolan, thank Matt Wuerker for that (see his link). He once asked me what the little tang on a dialog balloon is called, thus coining the term and answering his question better than I could. And yeah, the pipes were fun to draw.

    Hinzi, most preschools I've been in, including my daughters', are in kinda unimpressive physical plants and you're lucky just to have that one bathroom.

    Mike, yes! I blame Mark for the sorry ruins of my life in general.

    Dale, again, I thank Matt. And blame Mark.

    HTGT, did I misspell that too?

    Theo, undoubtably. But it's still Mark's fault.

    Fake, no! It's Mark's fault! (see above)

    Mike, it would've been funnier in a vacuum, wouldn't it?

    Patty, there's a cement tile in every single DC Metro station that's got a mark on it that looks like the Starship Enterprise. It's like they planned it that way.

