Monday, December 8, 2008

Where I've Been

I spent the last week doing 5,000 drawings for a Post Magazine Year in Review special issue. I subsequently came down with some kind of deadline poisoning. So that's where I've been. Some lucky people got to go see an R. Crumb show in Philly, and eat cheesesteaks. , see? But not me, I've still got deadline poisoning.

Shown: a sketch and final for the Post Mag, one image of 5,000.


  1. Can't wait till you post the other 4,999.

    Hang in there Richard!

  2. Does the Post sell copies of their magazine via mail to us poor slobs who don't live in the DC area?

  3. Here's hoping you drawing hand is recovering! Now ... what Mr. Nolan or Kevin said!

  4. Got to make sure my brother holds on to that issue for me. Not getting the Post does have its down sides.

    It's with much gratitude, on reading entries like this, that I reflect on the sacrifices you continually make for your art, and for all of us, Mr Thompson.

    : )

  5. Sorta off topic.... the Rocky Mtn Newspaper here in CO is where Cul de Sac runs. That paper is on the chopping block. What happens then?? Are you notified? Will the Denver Post automatically absorb Cul de Sac??

    I am bitin' my nails over here. If I don't get my Cul de Sac fix with my tellin' what might happen! Cheers -

  6. I'll try to ask my neighbors for extra copies of the mag for some of youse. Or you could drive by Richard's house because he usually leaves the papers out on the driveway...

  7. Dang, it's a long drive from NC just to grab a paper out of Richard's driveway.

    Ok...what's the address?

  8. 5000!!! X___X
    wow, I know you're a pro and all, yet...

    congrats for making it!
