Thursday, September 25, 2008

Exciting Book Signing Event Thing

I'll be sigining copies of Cul de Sac at the Politics & Prose booth at the Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Fair this Sunday at 1 pm. The fair is at the Marie Reed Learning Center in at 18th St. and Wyoming Ave., NW, in the Adams Morgan neighborhood in DC. Those are the two most information-stuffed sentences I've ever typed, but if you need more, go here.

Update: Hello and thanks to those who came by, chatted, bought a book, or all three. It was a hoot, and thanks to my hosts Mike, AndrĂ¡s and Chad & family.


  1. while we're on the subject -- think you'll make it to montreal at some point? :)

  2. Does your couch fold out? And how's your economy?

  3. david t beat me to it... I was gonna ask when you are coming to CO? We have a couch AND I'd let you milk a goat.

  4. Richard,
    Are you gonna be at B'more Con, too? If so, coupled with SPX and Crafty Bastards, you are in serious danger of overexposure. I recommend sending a proxy, like 10-year-old. He can place pre-signed sticker labels on books. (That's what Hunter Thompson did a few years ago when he came to Olsson's--it was rather funny. The label read: "Hi my name is" and Hunter had pre-signed "HST.")

    Looking forward to seeing you again at SPX!

  5. I believe I asked Richard this a couple weeks ago and he said he wasn't planning on being at Baltimore.

    (it's such poor timing to be the same weekend as the Natl book Festival.)

  6. If I happened to order my book from Amazon and it didn't come yet, am I going to have another D.C.-area opportunity to get you to sign my book? I am just posing a hypothetical here.

  7. richard, my futon does fold out, yes, & i hear it's pretty comfy. but really, your publisher (or whoever takes care of those things) should put you in touch with the drawn & quarterly bookstore, now that'd be a match made in heaven.
