Saturday, July 12, 2008

Today's Poor Almanack

This grew out of an article in Thursday's Post about suggestions for improving DC's "monumental core" from a panel of urban planning experts. Mostly they wanted to get rid of the ugly tangle of freeways that snake around the Jefferson Memorial and the Kennedy Center, but they also proposed extending the Mall in various directions and cutting a canal across East Potomac Park. It all sounds good to me but I doubt any of it'll ever get done. In other news, the Capitol Visitor's Center is scheduled to open sometime soon, a little later than the original opening date of Bush's Second Inaugural.


  1. I thought Washington already had a magic forest filled with happy talking animals ... isn't that where the Bush administration advisors come from?

  2. I loved the magic forest, maybe we can get Disney to do some animal-trons.... that tell about USA history!!!
    I especially like the canal idea; putting all the roads underground will be easy, just talk to Boston big dig contractor.
    I just got email from my Homeland security bud, He says they gotta put in some gates with xray stations and 20ft barbedwire fences to control desparodoes. Before entering the city we all have to stop and get a chip injected under our skin for visitor control!!!
    Still waiting for the Capital building's hot air recycle center that provides heating for DC.
