Friday, July 25, 2008


We'll be away all week in lovely Duck, North Carolina, on the fabled Outer Banks, the Graveyard of the Atlantic. The above is a vehicle used by scientists at a facility near where we'll be staying. They drive it out into the surf to study tides and waves and surf and look for pirate gold. I'm going to steal it and drive over to France. I hear the food's good.

As always, you're invited to leave a comment in the form of a joke, anecdote, poem, thought for the day, etc. I may get to look in on this thing while I'm in Duck, or even in France. And I'm taking some work along to finish up so I'll need all the distractions I can get.


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time. My family (sibs and their kids) are meeting in Nags Head in a few weeks. We started going to the Outer Banks when Duck was accessible only by a (rough) dirt road.

    Wish I were there now...

  2. I am a loyal lurker, and I just thought it would be worthless noting that I will be just up the road in Corolla in just a matter of days. If you hear skin crisping from up the beach, that may be me!

  3. Ok, we gonna wait on the french coast for a weird machine to come from America.
    It's true there's plenty of good food, and cheese and pirate gold, too.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of jokes in the traditional sense, but here's an old one that makes me giggle:

    Guy steps out on his front porch, sees a snail on the bottom step. He picks it up and hurls it across the street. Three years later to the day the guy's doorbell rings. He opens the door and sees the very same snail. The snail looks up and says "What the &#$@ was THAT all about?!"

    Have an great trip, Richard! Don't forget the sunblock.

  5. First off, have a fine time on your vacation. And I'm making air quotes when I say vacation, if you're bringing work along with you. But such is the lot of fame and success. With luck your strip will continue to outgrow its toddler clothes and you'll be able to cut back on everything else you do and catch a breather on occasion.

    That science machine looks a lot like something you'd draw, striding through downtown Washington. A fine solution to stalled traffic.

    Keep an eye out for the wonderful Uh Oh Baby. I hope to see it again. It's a superb nemesis.

  6. I was once informed by a friend of mine who grew up in Minnesota that there the game is "Duck, Duck, Gray Duck."

  7. A duck walks into a pharmacy, and asks for Chapstick. The cashier says, "Cash or check?" and the duck says, "Just put it on my bill."

  8. are you sure that's not actually a machine left by space aliens for building giant pyramids out of sand?
