Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Field Trip Part 4; Grate Artworks of Western Civilization

Finally, we get to some Art. I remember going down to the Nat Gal with a little dinky sketchbook and drawing the vent. Drawing in public always makes me antsy for some no-good reason. After this ran in the Post Mag I got a note from a woman who'd been at docent at the Gallery, saying how little kids always noticed the fancy vents and would always stick their hands in them. I know I did when I went down there on field trips as a kid. It's one of the things you do growing up in the Capitol of the Free World.


  1. I still do that sometimes. We'll be at a gallery or something and I'll get distracted looking a all of the white walls, or the guards' uniforms, or whatever...

  2. From my observation, it's also required for kids to chase the poor pigeons on the Mall. My then-5-year-old niece did it with enourmous gusto in summer's high heat. But then again, she's Canadian.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
