Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Milestone in Comics History

Here's a piece of phony Comics History, presented to you a few days early so you can plan how best to ignore it. Back in 2000 the Post ran a daily feature called The Century in the Post, reprinting whatever article was most interesting for that day from the last hundred years, duh. And the feature looked a lot like this parody, except it wasn't hand-lettered and it wasn't made up. I'll come clean and admit that I don't know when Dagwood first took a nap on his sofa, but I'll guess that I chose the date August 18th because I couldn't think of anything else to draw for that week.


  1. "...and all hell breaks loose." Ah yes, those were the days.

  2. In 1937, it probably would have been Herb and Tootsie Woodley's kid, Alvin. Elmo is a late arrival. Not EVERYTHING in Blondie has been going on forever.

  3. Funny, and no offense to Chic Young, but man oh man I could read a whole bunch of Dagwood penned by RT. Checking alternate universes now...
