Monday, February 11, 2008

Another Proto Cul de Sac Almanac of Yesteryear


  1. This is a great strip! Thanks a lot for posting it

  2. I draw for my college paper, and I must 'fess up -- I rip you off shamefully. All in the Frankenstein-ian process of creating a style, as you once put it.

    I like to think your comic is how mine would look if my pen could match what's happening in my head.

  3. Thanks, David!

    Rip away, Lauren, hope I can provide an arm or a leg to your monster! If I can get down on paper what's in my head like 10% of the time I feel lucky. Looking at this one from about 8 years ago I wish I was drawing the strip so loosely.

  4. I've wondered about this style challenge of the daily strip — the fact that for various practical reasons, I imagine, you can't do the kind of 'loose' work you seem to like most (and that I've always been entirely in awe of).

    Also,can't help wondering what family life is like for the rest of your household, with a dad/spouse whose inner 2-to-5-year old is evidently so accessible to his adult self.

    : )

  5. Goodnight Moon made me sad, too. My mom used to read my brother and I a French version as well: "Bonsoir, Lune."

    I really like the line quality in these comics, too.

  6. Gosh, I hope Goodnight Moon isn't really a downer for little kids. We still read that one occasionally to my son... Now I'm depressed.

  7. Paul, I have to make sure the daily strips read ok in reduction and I worry about getting so loose the strip slides off the page. And I find drawing in a box and leaving room for the words kinda difficult.

    So far, my daughters haven't quite realized maybe daddy's not a "grown up", but it'll happen any day. My wife's just used to it.

    I don't think I ever read Goodnight Moon until we read it to my older daughter like ten years ago. I find it kinda spooky, though my daughters don't. And there's that strange reference to Margaret Wise Brown's other children's book about a rabbit; it's a picture on the wall of a rabbit fishing for a rabbit (or something like that). It's spooky! And those odd colors, and the strange perspective! But then, I'm only about 2-5 years old and easily distressed (see above).
