Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Proto Cul de Sac Almanac of Yesteryear

This is an old Almanac from like '99, featuring a Toddler's Roundtable discussion of Issues of the Day. I had so much fun doing these that when I had to put together a strip I cast a lot of little kids who talk a lot in it. Probably because thinking in pointless tangents just comes naturally to me. I'm just grateful I don't have a job requiring adult decisions affecting countless lives or anything.

Still, the Mozart Effect is hooey, so I'm glad I cleared up that issue.


  1. Maybe this is just a random halucination brought on by too much election coverage ... but "Stinker" in the second panel looks to me just like John McCain.

  2. Hahahaha! You start to see them everywhere!

  3. "Mahler integrates your personality." How do you THINK OF THIS STUFF???

  4. Off topic, although still oboe related, I loved the way you handled Petey's new note in today's Cul de sac. Having the word bubble come out of the oboe and hang in the air was perfect, and the changes in Petey's facial expression were gorgeous.

    Okay back to the Mozart Effect...

  5. Out here in the distant hinterlands of Oregon, the local paper has started running Cul de Sac, and now google tells me who you are, and that you have a blog. How wonderful!

    Thank you, thank you, for the terrific cartoons!
