Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Cul de Sac of Yesteryear Again

This is from New Year's Day 2006. I reused some of this in a different form in the daily strips a week before Christmas. If everyone forgets about it, I may reuse it yet again. Maybe by then it'll be Classic Cul de Sac.


  1. I remember Watterson calling Pogo (my fave strip) one of the last of the "enjoy the ride" strips, where the pace was quieter and the characters talked to each other, teased each other, had misunderstandings, etc. I enjoy reading (and riding with) the Cul de Sac characters in the same way.

  2. Cold-blooded Petey huddled up in a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate is hilarious! These are my favorite of your posts, because the hi-rez scans show off your beautiful watercolor work.

    Thank you for creating Cul de Sac, I enjoy it very much. And thank you for taking the time to blog. It's cool to eavesdrop on your conversations with your fellow cartoonists who post here. So everyone please continue... I'll just quietly huddle over here in the corner and sip hot chocolate.

  3. Thanks, youall. Yeah, I could see the shrub becoming a character, maybe, like The Giving Shrub.

    Mike, that's got me walking in tall cotten; you couldn't make a nicer comparison.

    And Randy, thanks for speaking up! Don't huddle too quietly, but enjoy your hot beverage.

  4. I just wanted to let you know that I laughed so loudly at today's "Richard's Poor Almanack" that I scared the cats. It was Glebe Road making its characteristic curvy, enigmatic appearance, linking Mars to New Hampshire. Brilliant.

  5. Thanks, HTGT, I was afraid that cartoon stopped making sense at a certain point. So putting Glebe Road on Mars fit right in.

  6. Thanks for posting these "classic" strips. I'm afraid I'm a new Cul de Sac reader but I absolutely love it. This particular comic gave me flashbacks. It totally captured that great joy I always experienced when having to help my father work on various projects. Poor, poor Petey.

  7. Thanks, Trade, and right back at you.

    Yeah, I used to help my dad work on the car, which went about as well as you'd expect.
