Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Crushing Deadlines of Doom

It's that time of the week again again. And I'd so hoped to share my technique for inadvertantly giving yourself a jailhouse tattoo using only a dip pen, some ink and a moment's clumsiness. Maybe later, but till then please enjoy a drawing of Petey looking beleaguered, as always.


  1. Petey was born beleaguered.

    P.S. I've been an ardent fan of your work for more years than you'd care to count. I can't believe you are blogging!

    - Proud Poster of Cat Photos

  2. Sad but true.

    Happy and glad to hear it and thanks. I'm still kinda numb myself.

    We've got two affable tabby cats ourselves. They could show up here any day now, especially if I learn how to work the digital camera.
