Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hollywood Blows It Again

So I have to draw a tiny caricature of Walt Whitman tonight and looking at a picture of him I'm floored by his resemblance to Gabby Hayes. I'm sure I'm the last to notice this. But wouldn't that have been great casting for a 1940s Hollywood biopic?

Now I'll never be able to read Leaves of Grass without hearing Gabby Hayes' voice. Not that I ever read it much, but it's something to look forward to.


  1. Here's something close to a Non Sequiter... Hah! Wrong cartoonist! Anyway, bones of some of the people that Whitman wrote about are on display in the National Museum of Health and Medicine, and can be seen at

  2. Gabby Hayes scares me more than the Big Leg. Keep your Gabby blogging to a minimum, please.

  3. That's an audio book waiting to happen. Rich Little as Gabby reading Walt.

  4. By the way, I forgot to mention: congratulations on grabbing the reins on your blog, yanking it back from the cliff of metacommentary. You have this particular horse well in hand. (and no, I don't especially like horses, but I'm frequently roped in by my metaphors.)
