Friday, September 28, 2007

The Failed Cow Noisemaker

These are two sketches for strips that were rejected. Someday I'll revise them just enough to be unrecognizable, or wait long enough so no one remembers them, and use them again. There's something in the cow noisemaker I find compelling.


  1. Rejected? But I remember seeing it years ago. If you must recycle the gag, why not have the cow noise thingey turn into a giant squid, like in Lio. Everyone loves giant squids. Trust me, the strip needs more giant squids.

  2. Tough editor! Do you want to borrow mine? He's in Italy for a week so I have loads of time for the next set of roughs.... until the deadline creeps up on me, that is.

  3. Italy? Hey, did I ever tell you about this Italian restaurant I went to? It's a long story...

  4. You can use it later. Once you're out of the gate, running around the track, editors won't watch with the same eye. They'll be looking elsewhere, at the next comic strip to be groomed, content to glance at the track and see the blur of Cul De Sac keeping its own pace.

    And I repeat: I don't especially like horses. I don't know what's going on with me this morning.

  5. No, you didn't tell me about the italian restaurant you went to... and there you were, not knowing what to write your blog about...

  6. Aw, what do editors know anyway?

    Actually, I'd like to be an editor, just so I could impose my idiotic opinion on cartoonists.

    How does one become a cartoon editor? Is there a school? A training program? Some courses at the local junior college?
