Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spinning Romney Again

You may remember this from a sketch for the New Yorker a month or so ago. Waste not want no, especially if you've got a deadline and nothing new to show. Besides, doesn't the American Public deserve to see this?


  1. It's a leftover from the kitchen, but it doesn't taste like one. A fine addition to your finger puppet collection.

  2. Romney's head doesn't really spin around the way I had hoped it would, and is too top heavy to stand alone. Let's see a bit of better paper engineering, hey?

  3. You've made me realize how scary it would be to have that guy as president, for many reasons

  4. Occurs to me you're in for drawing a whole lot of chin, later this year, if it should work out to Obama v. Romney. Do you feel prepared?

  5. Ha! I got used to drawing Bill Clinton's big jaw, so no sweat. Though I know which chin I'd rather have in the oval office.

    I liked your sketch blog, Paul!

  6. Thank you, Richard. You've been one of my favorite illustrators for a long time — a compliment from you means a lot.  : )
